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Hue City fullday tour

Hue- the lost imperial city in the central of Viet Nam

Located on the green bank of the legendary perfume river, the hue imperial city has always been the most well- known symbol of the old capital city, which Went through ups and downs of Hue , from the glorious time of Gia long, Minh Mang king to the running of Ham Nghi king from French troop and the abdication of Bao Dai king in 1945, marking the end of the last feudal government of Viet Nam. Hue today is home to plenty of national monuments such as palaces, pagodas, mausoleums …, many of which became unesco sites in 1993. 

The ancient historical monuments left by Nguyen kings are not the only reason for tourist to choose Hue as a top destination of Viet Nam. With plenty of savory cuisine, holly Buddhism pagodas, colorful market and tranquil landscapes, Hue is the ideal land for people who seek for a unique excursion in Viet Nam.

A day trip in Hue with Hue local tours company will give you the fullest exploration about the history , architecture and culture of this old capital city.

About this tour :

            Length : 6-8 hours

            Tour type : private

            Transportation : private new car and dragon boat

            Highlights : seeing the beautiful landscapes of Hue, visiting imperial city, ancient Thien Mu pagoda, royal tombs, insence village, stories about Hue’s history and the last feudal government of Viet Nam

Initerary :

            8:30 : You will be picked up at your hotel in Hue by our guide and driver.

            In the morning :

                        -we do the dragon boat trip along perfume river

                        – visit Thien Mu pagoda

                        – after visiting Thien Mu pagoda, we move to imperial city by car and visit the most important historical site of Hue city

            Lunch with local dishes : fried pancake, steamed rice cake, noodle

            In the afternoon :

  • Visit Ming Mang Tomb
  • Visit Khai Dinh tomb
  • Visit incense village and learn to make insence stick

Back to your hotel in Hue

Tour price :

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Hue citadel walking tour

Hue is the only one city in Việt Nam that still retains many historical monuments built in the time of feudal government. The most significant of them is imperial city ( built from 1804 to 1833), a complex of royal palaces, offices, temples and gardens . The monuments has gone through a long history, witnessing ups and downs of Hue city and Nguyen kings’family. A walk in the entire of imperial city is the best way for people who want to enjoy the beauty of ancient palaces and indulge in stories about a memorable period history of Hue. Different from other tours in Hue which are packed with so many places in the itinerary, this tour allows you to have a chance to see and learn everything in the most enjoyable and relaxing way

Follow us to try the experience of wandering in the sleeping royal city in the heart of Hue and know more about history, culture of Hue and Việt Nam.

About this tour

Length : 3-3,5 hours

Tour type : group tour

Transportation : walking 

Highlights: discover the architecture and history of citadel , imperial city in the fullest way. 


Time to start : at your convenience. 8:30 or 14:30 are highly recommended

You will see the guide at your hotel or at the meeting point near the imperial city and start the tour. 

While wandering in the imperial city, the guide will tell you the history of Hue city, Nguyen king family , Việt Nam society in that period and you will also have time to take nice photos or sit down to have some drink , enjoying the ancient royal atmosphere 




Hue biking tour to countryside 

Cầu bán nguyệt - Huế

Hue is one of the most peaceful city of Việt Nam which is not effected by modernization and industrialization. The city still retains beautifully countrysides with vast rice paddy fields, fish farm , duck or chicken farm , water buffaloes wandering around or vegetable gardens. A cycling trip to Hue countryside is an fascinating experience for countryside lovers looking for a real image of Việt Nam. The tours allows you to have an insight into the life of local people who are still earning for their living with the traditional jobs of their families. Besides, 

The peacefulness of small villages gives you a slow relaxing time before getting on others journey to busy cities in Việt Nam. 

Our cycling tour to Thanh Toan village will show you the real Việt Nam and make your time in Hue more memorable 

About this tour

Length : 5 hours

Transportation: new bicycle 

Tour type : private tour

Highlights: see the peacefulness along the way to Thanh Toan village, see animals such as duck, chicken, water buffaloes…, visit the 250-year old Thanh Toan bridge , learn about life of the farmers, visit a local family and take part in a cooking class at their home, enjoy local dishes that are usually served at the meals of Hue people


8:00 : you see our guide at your hotel. We start the ride to Thanh Toàn village . After 15 minutes riding outside of the city , we stop at the rice paddy fields to have some photos here and learn about the process of rice production. A quick stop at a family temple will show you about “ ancestral worshipping”, the main religion of Việt Nam . After that , we move to Thanh Toan bridge , an old construction dating back to 18th century. We have some Việt Nam coffee at the covered bridge and enjoy the fresh air from rice fields , river …

A visit to a local family will show you the daily routines of local people and you can learn to cook some familiar foods such as fried pancake, fig salad …

Lunch will be served with meals cooked from ingredients planted at the family garden

After lunch , we ride back to your hotel in Hue center


Hoi an to Hue tour

Hue is located 120km from Hoi An old town. This old capital city has an abundance of royal monuments waiting for tourists to explore. Among them, Hue imperial city and the complex of royal mausoleums were recognized as Unesco heritage sites.  A day trip from Hoi An to Hue to visit the imperial city, pagoda and royal mausoleum is a must-do for those who stay in Hoi An and would like to explore a new interesting land in one day. Moreover, the journey can be combined with a stop at Hai Van pass, the stunning coatal way, and Lap An lagoon, a beautiful and peaceful lagoon at the foot of Hai Van mountain.

Hue local tours company provides the visit to Hue from Hoi An ( or Da Nang) by private car , which brings new experience for your time in Hoi An ( or Da Nang)

About this tour:

Length: 10 hours

            Transportation: private new car and English speaking driver

            Tour type: private

            Highlighs: see Hai Van pass, Lap An lagoon, explore Hue’s best monuments : imperial city, royal Tombs , ancient pagoda, enjoy exotic local foods


7:30 -8:00 : our diver meet you at your hotel in Da Nang and start the journey to Hue

8:50 : we reach Hai Van pass and enjoy the spectacular scenery along the 21-km coastal way with mountain and ocean on both sides.

9:10 : stop at Lap An lagoon to have some drink and take a break

9:30 : start to drive to Hue

11:00 : meet our local tour guide and visit the royal mausoleum.

12 :15 : have lunch at local restaurant

13: 00 : visit Hue imperial city, home to Nguyen Kings’ family

14:30 : visit 400-year Thien Mu pagoda and then, do the dragon boat trip back to the city center 15:30 : the driver take you back to your hotel in Hoi An ( or Da Nang)


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