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In comparison with other ancient capitals in South East Asia. Hue city is the one that still preserves comparatively the intact appearance of a complex of the monarchic capital consisting of walls, palaces, royal tomb, etc. The Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) had it urbanized and built in systematic, philosophical and abundantly artistic ways. Every year, Hue attracts a lot of tourists coming from all over the world. The most famous tour they often choose to discover Hue is Hue city private tour. Tour shows tourists not only special historical sites but also beautiful landscapes of the ancient city.


  • Visiting the 6 must-see places to visit in Hue one day
  • Taste all Hue’s specialties Cuisine in local restaurant.
  • Learn about Hue’s history, culture and ancient architecture from an informative local guide
  • Flexible and Comfortable Trip with Best Local Operator

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